Dr. Martin Schmitz
Martin Schmitz is a research group leader and lecturer at the Department of Computer Science at Saarland University and an affiliated researcher at the University of Copenhagen. Previously, he held positions as research group leader at the Telecooperation Lab at the Technical University of Darmstadt. He was also an affiliated researcher at the University of Glasgow. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the Technical University of Darmstadt.
His current research interests include Human-Machine Interfaces, Co-Creative Systems, and Human-Robot Interfaces, but also expand to Extended Reality, Haptics, and Digital Fabrication. In particular, his research focuses on human-centered computing systems that not only act autonomously but also adapt to human needs and intentions, fostering fruitful and collaborative human-machine interactions rather than making isolated decisions. His work was recognized with best paper awards at CHI, the premier A* venue in HCI. He is serving as co-chair and member of program committees for major international conferences, such as UIST and CHI.
See his personal website for more details and a full list of publications.
Email: mschmitz@cs.uni-saarland.de
Website: Personal Page
Google Scholar: Public Profile