03Flexible and Shape Displays, ata, yu
(TEI 2025)
In the realm of Human-Computer Interaction, the design of physical user interfaces with nature-like movement patterns holds promise for enhancing user experience. A significant factor that affects the functionality and movement properties of natural systems is the specific combination of rigid and flexible elements. While higher rigidity increases stability and dexterity, higher flexibility augments complex curvilinear movements. However, current design tools for shape-changing interfaces do not provide control over the interface flexibility at the design stage. We leverage mechanical metamaterial designs with programmable deformation patterns and implement sparse actuation to afford enhanced shape control and versatility. We present a dedicated design and simulation tool to aid designers in visualizing, customizing, and iteratively refining their shape-changing interfaces. We provide guidelines for the fabrication and post-fabrication customization of the interfaces with modular add-ons, which can augment actuation or combine separate physical structures. We demonstrate the versatility of the approach through various nature-inspired applications.