Next Steps in Epidermal Computing
Aditya, Steimle
(CHI 2022)
Skin is a promising interaction medium and has been widely explored for mobile, and expressive interaction. Recent research in
HCI has seen the development of Epidermal Computing Devices: ultra-thin and non-invasive devices which reside on the user’s skin,
offering intimate integration with the curved surfaces of the body, while having physical and mechanical properties that are akin to
skin, expanding the horizon of on-body interaction. However, with rapid technological advancements in multiple disciplines, we see
a need to synthesize the main open research questions and opportunities for the HCI community to advance future research in this
area. By systematically analyzing Epidermal Devices contributed in the HCI community, physical sciences research and from our
experiences in designing and building Epidermal Devices, we identify opportunities and challenges for advancing research across five
themes. This multi-disciplinary synthesis enables multiple research communities to facilitate progression towards more coordinated
endeavors for advancing Epidermal Computing.