Soft Inkjet Circuits

Project Details
Project Name :

Soft Inkjet Circuits

Project Category :

01Digital Fabrication Technologies, Arshad, Featured Project, Steimle

Skill :

Best Paper Award

Client Review :

(UIST 2019)

Description :

Soft Inkjet Circuits

Rapid Multi-Material Fabrication of Soft Circuits Using a Commodity Inkjet Printer

Despite the increasing popularity of soft interactive devices, their fabrication remains complex and time consuming. We contribute a process for rapid do-it-yourself fabrication of soft circuits using a conventional desktop inkjet printer. It supports inkjet printing of circuits that are stretchable,ultra-thin,high resolution, and integrated with a wide variety of materials used for prototyping.We introduce multi-ink functional printing on a desktop printer for realizing multi-material devices, including conductive and isolating inks. We further present DIY techniques to enhance compatibility be-tween inks and substrates and the circuits’ elasticity. This enables circuits on a wide set of materials including temporary tattoo paper, textiles, and thermoplastic. Four application cases demonstrate versatile uses for realizing stretchable devices, e-textiles, body-based and re-shapeable interfaces.

The publication received a Best Paper Award at ACM UIST’19.


Arshad Khan, Joan Sol Roo, Tobias Kraus, Jürgen Steimle
In Proceedings of the annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST) 2019.

