Project Details
Project Name :


Project Category :

02Body Interaction, artin, ata, Featured Project, marie, Martin, Steimle

Client Review :

(CHI 2025)

Description :

3HANDS Dataset: Learning from Humans for Generating Naturalistic Handovers with Supernumerary Robotic Limbs


Supernumerary robotic limbs are robotic structures integrated closely with the user’s body, which augment human physical capabilities and necessitate seamless, naturalistic human-machine interaction. For effective assistance in physical tasks, enabling SRLs to hand over objects to humans is crucial. Yet, designing heuristic-based policies for robots is time-consuming, difficult to generalize across tasks, and results in less human-like motion. When trained with proper datasets, generative models are powerful alternatives for creating naturalistic handover motions. We introduce 3HANDS, a novel dataset of object handover interactions between a participant performing a daily activity and another participant enacting a hip-mounted SRL in a naturalistic manner. 3HANDS captures the unique characteristics of SRL interactions: operating in intimate personal space with asymmetric object origins, implicit motion synchronization, and the user’s engagement in a primary task during the handover. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our dataset, we present three models: one that generates naturalistic handover trajectories, another that determines the appropriate handover endpoints, and a third that predicts the moment to initiate a handover. In a user study (N=10), we compare the handover interaction performed with our method compared to a baseline. The findings show that our method was perceived as significantly more natural, less physically demanding, and more comfortable.



Artin Saberpour Abadian, Yi-Chi Liao, Ata Otaran, Rishabh Dabral, Marie Muehlhaus, Christian Theobalt, Martin Schmitz and Jürgen Steimle
In ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’25).


