Mobile Multimedia Interaction

Mobile Multimedia Interaction

Mobile Multimedia Interaction TU Darmstadt 2009-2010 Increasingly powerful mobile devices enable users to access and watch videos in mobile settings. Videos can be used virtually anywhere and anytime. However, state of the art mobile video browsers do not efficiently support users in browsing within individual, semantically segmented videos and between the large amounts of related videos, e.g. available on the Web. Moreover, the field still […]

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PaperVideo Interacting with Videos On Paper-like Displays / TU Darmstadt 2010-2012 Analog paper is still often preferred over electronic documents due to specific affordances and rich spatial interaction, in particular if multiple pages are laid out and handled simultaneously. We investigated how interaction with video can benefit from paper-like displays that support interaction with motion and sound. We present a system that includes novel interaction […]

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LightBeam TU Darmstadt and FXPal 2011-2012 Pico projectors have lately been investigated as mobile display and interaction devices. We propose to use them as ‘light beams’: Everyday objects sojourning in a beam are turned into dedicated projection surfaces and tangible interaction devices. While this has been explored for large projectors, the affordances of pico projectors are fundamentally different: they have a very small and strictly […]

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CloudDrops Stamp-sized Pervasive Displays for Situated Awareness of Web-based Information CloudDrops is a pervasive awareness platform that integrates virtual information from the Web more closely with the contextually rich physical spaces in which we live and work. CloudDrops consists of many interactive stamp-sized displays, each showing a tiny bit of digital information. The large number of displays and their small size allows the user to […]

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