PEOPLE / Dr. Bruno | Fruchard

Office: E 1.7 Room 2.05

PEOPLE / Dr. Bruno | Fruchard


Bruno Fruchard is a postdoctoral research fellow. His researches focus on interaction techniques and user expertise.
He designs adaptable interactions that users can quickly master to be more efficient and expressive, and evaluates how users appropriate and memorize interaction systems in the long term. His current researches address interacting with the body to design novel interactions for post-WIMP interfaces and evaluating these novel interactions through various methods like psychophysical experiments.


Phone: +49 681 302 71085
Office: E 1.7 Room 2.05
Google Scholar: Public Profile
Website: Personal Webpage


Design and Fabrication of Body-Based Interfaces (Demo of Saarland HCI Lab) This Interactiv...more
Design and Fabrication of Body-based InterfacesClient Review :
(CHI 2023 Lab Demo)
Weirding Haptics In-Situ Prototyping of Vibrotactile Feedback in Virtual Reality through Vocaliza...more
Weirding HapticsClient Review :
(UIST 2021)
SoloFinger Robust Microgestures while Grasping Everyday Objects Using microgestures...more
SoloFingerClient Review :
(CHI 2021)
BodyStylus Freehand On-Body Design and Fabrication of Epidermal Interfaces In traditional bo...more
BodyStylusClient Review :
(CHI 2021)
Eyecam Anthropomorphic Webcam     What if seeing devices looked like us? Eye...more
EyecamClient Review :
(CHI 2021)
Squish this thumbnail
Squish This Force Input on Soft Surfaces for Visual Targeting Tasks Today’s typic...more
Squish ThisClient Review :
(CHI 2021)
bARefoot Generating Virtual Materials using Motion Coupled Vibration in Shoes Many fe...more
bARefootClient Review :
(UIST 2020)
PolySense Augmenting Textiles with Electrical Functionality using In-Situ Polymerization ...more
PolySenseClient Review :
(CHI 2020)