Adwait Sharma

Adwait Sharma
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Joan Sol Roo

Joan Sol Roo
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Dr. Joan Sol | Roo

Dr. Joan Sol | Roo

Joan stayed at Saarland University (Germany) for a year after his PhD, working at the Human-Computer Interaction Lab, researching novel interaction and fabrication techniques for wearable computing.

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PEOPLE / Dr. Adwait Sharma

<div class="people-banner"><img class="icon_title" src="" /></div><br><span class="yellow-sm people-title-yellow"><span class="people-ind-title-hci">PEOPLE / Dr. Adwait Sharma</span></span>

Adwait is a PhD student at the Human-Computer Interaction and Interactive Technologies Lab. Prior to his arrival in the group, he was a Masters student at the Media Interaction Lab in Austria where he explored ‘deformation’ based gestures on clothing as an input medium. In the past, he has worked at the National University of Singapore as well as at the UBC Hospital in Vancouver […]

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PEOPLE / Prof. Dr. Jürgen Steimle

<div class="people-banner"><img class="icon_title" src="" /></div><br><span class="yellow-sm people-title-yellow"><span class="people-ind-title-hci">PEOPLE / Prof. Dr. Jürgen Steimle</span></span>

is a Professor of Computer Science in the Human-Computer Interaction Group

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