Lecture: Interactive Systems / Summer Term 2025
This course is intended for introducing technical concepts, software paradigms and hardware technologies of modern interactive systems . [Lecture page]
Seminar: Generative AI for Interactive Systems / Summer Term 2025
Generative AI is reshaping how we interact with technology, opening the door to innovative interfaces and new modes of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). This seminar will explore key Generative AI techniques within the context of HCI, understanding and critically evaluating their role in shaping next-generation user experiences. [Seminar page]
Masterâs and Bachelorâs Theses
We are constantly looking for motivated and dedicated students who are interested to write their Masterâs or Bachelorâs thesis in Human-Computer Interaction. We always have interesting topics to work on as part of our research projects. Please contact us with a short CV, including your grade transcript, your skills and information about any projects you have worked on at the university or outside, specifically those related to Human-Computer Interaction.
Core Lecture: Human Computer Interaction / Winter Term 2024
This core lecture teaches the theoretical and practical foundations for human computer interaction. It covers a wide overview of topics, techniques and approaches used for the design and evaluation of modern user interfaces. [Lecture page]
Research Seminar: Interacting with Generative AI / Winter Term 2024
Generative models are opening up exciting new possibilities for innovative human-computer interaction. The aim of this seminar is to introduce participants to the emerging field of Generative AI within Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research, identify key research gaps, and explore opportunities for future research. [Seminar page]
Lecture: Interactive Systems / Summer term 2024
This course is intended for introducing technical concepts, software paradigms and hardware technologies of modern interactive systems . [Lecture page]
Seminar: Bio-based fabrication for sustainable interactive systems / Summer term 2024
This seminar aims to empower students to create inovative sustainable interactive systems through bio-based fabrication by guiding them through the realm of bio-inspired design, interactive technologies, and eco-conscious prototyping. [Lecture page]
Core Lecture: Human Computer Interaction / Winter Term 2023
This core lecture teaches the theoretical and practical foundations for human computer interaction. It covers a wide overview of topics, techniques and approaches used for the design and evaluation of modern user interfaces. [Lecture page]
Seminar: Engineering of Interactive Systems with Generative AI / Winter Term 2023/24
The purpose of this seminar is to explore the potential of Generative AI (GenAI) models in revolutionizing the traditional manual design process of interactive systems, aiming to enhance efficiency, creativity, and effectiveness through the integration of AI-powered tools and methodologies. [Lecture page]
Seminar: Getting Hands-On with Wearable Robotics for Augmenting Human Capabilities / Summer Term 2023
The goal of this seminar is to acquire basic conceptual and practical skills in developing interactive wearable robots. [Lecture page]
Core Lecture: Human Computer Interaction / Winter Term 2022
This core lecture teaches the theoretical and practical foundations for human computer interaction. It covers a wide overview of topics, techniques and approaches used for the design and evaluation of modern user interfaces. [Lecture page]
Seminar: Interactive Robotics/ Winter term 2022
The goal of this seminar is to acquire basic conceptual and practical skills in developing an interactive robotic system for human use.
[Seminar page]
Lecture: Interactive Systems / Summer term 2022
This course is intended for introducing technical concepts, software paradigms and hardware technologies of modern interactive systems . [Lecture page]
Research Seminar: Finding your way in the HCI jungle / Summer term 2022
This seminar series will include talks, readings, group discussions, and brainstorming sessions on the state-of-the-art and the future of HCI research. We will exchange constructive feedback as we collectively explore strategies to integrate new ideas and perspectives into our own research. [Seminar page]
Core Lecture: Human Computer Interaction / Winter Term 2021
This core lecture teaches the theoretical and practical foundations for human computer interaction. It covers a wide overview of topics, techniques and approaches used for the design and evaluation of modern user interfaces.
[Lecture page]
Seminar: Interactive Touch Surfaces / Winter term 2021
This seminar focuses on state-of-the-art technologies for touch sensing alongside key questions regarding how we interact using touch on real-world objects and surfaces.
[Seminar page]
Seminar: Physical Computing / Summer term 2021
The goal of this seminar is to acquire basic conceptual and practical skills in developing physical user interfaces for interactive devices and objects. These user interfaces extend interaction beyond a screen and leverage the benefits of physical interaction in the real-world. Examples comprise wearable fitness trackers, interactive furniture, or computer-augmented lego bricks for children. [Seminar page]
Seminar: Touch and Haptic Interfaces / Summer term 2021
This seminar covers advanced research topics in the area of touch and haptic interfaces, including rich touch input, haptic feedback, and new touch interfaces inside clothing, on the body, on robots or in the everyday environment. The seminar targets students who are interested in getting a solid overview of recent trends and the state-of-the-art in touch and haptic interfaces and in learning about academic presentation and writing. [Seminar page]
Core Lecture: Human Computer Interaction / Winter Term 2020
This core lecture teaches the theoretical and practical foundations for human computer interaction. It covers a wide overview of topics, techniques and approaches used for the design and evaluation of modern user interfaces.
Seminar: Interactive Robotics / Winter term 2020
The objective of this seminar is to acquire conceptual, technical and practical skills in developing interactive robotics. We will address the unique challenges of interactive robotics on those three levels. [Seminar page].
Lecture: Interactive Systems / Summer term 2020
This course is intended for introducing technical concepts, software paradigms and hardware technologies of modern interactive systems . [Lecture page]
Core Lecture: Human Computer Interaction / Winter term 2019
This core lecture teaches the theoretical and practical foundations for human computer interaction. It covers a wide overview of topics, techniques and approaches used for the design and evaluation of modern user interfaces. [Lecture page]
Seminar: Interactive Computing with Augmented and Virtual Reality / Winter term 2019
The objective of this seminar is to acquire basic conceptual, technical and practical skills in developing AR/VR applications. We will address the unique challenges of AR/VR on those three levels.[Seminar page]
Masterâs and Bachelorâs Theses
We are constantly looking for motivated and dedicated students who are interested to write their Masterâs or Bachelorâs thesis in Human-Computer Interaction. We always have interesting topics to work on as part of our research projects. Please contact us with a short CV, including your grade transcript, your skills and information about any projects you have worked on at the university or outside, specifically those related to Human-Computer Interaction.
Core Lecture: Human Computer Interaction / Winter term 2018
This core lecture teaches the theoretical and practical foundations for human computer interaction. It covers a wide overview of topics, techniques and approaches used for the design and evaluation of modern user interfaces. [Lecture page]
Research Seminar: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Interactive Systems / Winter term 2018
Modern interactive computing systems are increasingly becoming multi-modal, multi-material and multi-contextual. Addressing the scientific challenges related to interactive systems therefore demands for a multi-disciplinary approach. In this research seminar, we will identify multidisciplinary perspectives that show promise for advancing research in interactive systems. [Seminar page]
Seminar: Open FabLab / Winter term 2018
You are interested in getting hands-on skills in computational fabrication, 3D printing, laser cutting? You want to learn what FabLabs are all about? You want to explore new opportunities and find out what fun object you can fabricate? Or you already have a concrete idea you would like to realize? [Seminar page]
Grundvorlesung: Programmieren fĂŒr Ingenieure / Summer term 2018
Was ist Programmierung? Was macht sie spannend? In dieser Vorlesung geht es darum mithilfe programmierbarer Arduino Mega Boards in die Programmierung einzusteigen.
Lecture: Interactive Systems / Summer term 2018
This course is intended for introducing technical concepts, software paradigms and hardware technologies of modern interactive systems . [Lecture page]
Core Lecture: Human Computer Interaction / Winter term 2017
This new core lecture teaches the theoretical and practical foundations for human computer interaction. It covers a wide overview of topics, techniques and approaches used for the design and evaluation of modern user interfaces. [Lecture page]
Seminar: Physical Computing / Winter term 2017
The goal of this seminar is to acquire basic conceptual and practical skills in developing physical user interfaces for interactive devices and objects. These user interfaces extend interaction beyond a screen and leverage the benefits of physical interaction in the real-world. Examples comprise wearable fitness trackers, interactive furniture, or computer-augmented lego bricks for children. [Seminar page]
Core Lecture: Human Computer Interaction / Summer term 2017
This new core lecture teaches the theoretical and practical foundations for human computer interaction. It covers a wide overview of topics, techniques and approaches used for the design and evaluation of modern user interfaces. [Lecture page]
Seminar: Interactive Skin
Interactive computing devices are moving onto the human body. This seminar focuses on the emerging class of devices that merge with human skin. This seminar provides an in-depth overview of current research and first commercial applications. It will cover 1) technologies from visual computing and thin-film electronics that allow for augmenting skin with input and output capabilities; 2) principles and interaction techniques for skin-based user interfaces; 3) application areas. The seminar will be based on a mix of readings and a practical project in which students develop and implement a prototypical user interface for interactive skin. [Course page]
Advanced Lecture: Physical Computing / Winter term 2016/17
The goal of this course is to acquire basic conceptual and practical skills in developing physical user interfaces for interactive devices and objects. These user interfaces extend interaction beyond a screen and leverage the benefits of physical interaction in the real-world. Examples comprise wearable fitness trackers, interactive furniture, or computer-augmented lego bricks for children. [Lecture page]
Maker Day 2016
This year, we will again organize a Maker Day. Letâs build novel and fun interactive objects. In this one-day event, participants learn the basics of printed electronics, 3D printing, laser-cutting, and Arduino programming. Most of the day will be spent hands-on by creating the interactive objects of your choice. No CP, but free pizza and a lot of fun! Beginners are welcome! [Event page]
Lecture User Interface Design / Summer term 2016
This course is intended as an introduction to the methods and scientific background of user interface design. [Lecture page]
Proseminar: Moderne Nutzerschnittstellen / Summer term 2016
Computer und ihre Eingabemöglichkeiten sind in stĂ€ndigem Wandel. Dieses Proseminar gibt einen Ausblick auf aktuelle und zukĂŒnftige Nutzerschnittstellen. Dazu werden sich die Seminarteilnehmer aktuelle Forschungsthemen aus dem Bereich der MenschâComputer Interaktion (HumanâComputer Interaction) erarbeiten. Die Themengebiete beinhalten Interaktionen mit neuen MobilgerĂ€ten, Wearables, greifbare und allgegenwĂ€rtige interaktive GerĂ€te. [Proseminar page]
Francqui Lecture series âThe Future of Interactionâ @ University of Hasselt
A series of invited lectures and master classes, taught at the University of Hasselt (Belgium) in February 2016 as part of the Francqui chair guest professorship. Topics include: Interactive Paper, Interactive Skin, Digital Fabrication of Sensors, Digital Fabrication of Output Components, Design Principles for Personal Fabrication. [Event page]
Maker Day 2015 â October 23
Let us start into the new semester by building novel and fun interactive objects. In this one-day event, participants learn the basics of printed electronics, 3D printing, laser-cutting, and Arduino programming. Most of the day will be spent hands-on by creating the interactive objects of your choice. No CP, but free pizza and a lot of fun! Beginners are welcome! [Maker Day page]
Ringvorlesung: Perspektiven der Informatik / Winter term 2015/16
This lecture series is providing first year students of Computer Science with a broad overview of various fields of Computer Science. We are contributing the lecture on Human-Computer-Interaction and Ubiquitous Computing. [Lecture page]
Seminar: Interactive Digital Fabrication in cooperation with Okinlab / Winter term 2015/16
The goal of this seminar is to familiarize the participants with digital fabrication, its tools and techniques, and the novel opportunities it opens up. It will cover fundamentals, the latest advances in digital fabrication, and provide a hands-on experience with digital fabrication tools in a variety of application domains. [Seminar page]
Ringvorlesung: Perspektiven der Informatik / Winter term 2014/15
This lecture series is providing first year students of Computer Science with a broad overview of various fields of Computer Science. We are contributing the lecture on Human-Computer-Interaction and Ubiquitous Computing. Ringvorlesung: Perspektiven der Informatik / Winter term 2014/15[Lecture page]
Lecture User Interface Design / Summer term 2014
This lecture is intended as an introduction to the methods and scientific background of the field of human-computer interaction â in particular, user interface design and evaluation. Lecture User Interface Design / Summer term 2014[Lecture page]
Seminar Developing Embedded Interactive Systems with the Arduino Microcontroller / Summer term 2014
Embedded interactive systems are getting increasingly widespread. Smart objects, the Internet of Things, mobile and wearable computing lead to an increasing number of physical objects getting instrumented with computer control and interaction. Embedded microprocessor platforms help developers and designers of such systems to ease and speed up development. Therefore embedded programming and basic electronics become essential skills for developing the next generation of human-computer interfaces. [Seminar page]
Lecture User Interface Design / Summer term 2013
This lecture is intended as an introduction to the methods and scientific background of the field of human-computer interaction â in particular, user interface design and evaluation. [Lecture page]
Seminar Embodied Interaction / Winter term 2012/2013
The physical world plays a central role in shaping human interaction. In contrast, standard Graphical User Interfaces separate the user from digital media by a virtual window. An emergent generation of user interfaces merges digital media seamlessly with the physical real world. Computers become aware of their physical environment and physical objects become smart, opening up an exciting space for novel ways of interaction with computers. [Seminar page]